249.765. Notice of proceedings.

Notice of proceedings.

249.765. 1. Immediately after the petition has been filed, the clerk inwhose office the petition has been filed shall give notice by causingpublication to be made once a week for four consecutive weeks in somenewspaper published in the county in which is situate the real property of thedistrict, the last insertion to be made at least fifteen days prior to thefirst day of the next regular term of the circuit court at which the petitionis to be heard.

2. The notice shall be substantially in the following form and it shallbe deemed sufficient for all purposes of sections 249.760 to 249.810.


Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the followingdescribed real property in ......... County of Missouri (here describe theproperty as set out in the petition) that a petition asking that the foregoingreal property be formed into a sewer district under the provisions of sections249.760 to 249.810, RSMo, and that the real property as above described willbe affected by the formation of the sewer district and be rendered liable totaxation for the purposes of paying the expenses of organizing and making andmaintaining the improvements that may be found necessary for the constructionand maintenance of sewage treatment facilities and the sewer system in thedistrict, and you, and each of you, are hereby notified to appear at the nextterm of this court to be held on the ..... day of ........., 20...., at......... in ......... County, and show cause, if any there be, why the sewerdistrict as set forth in the petition shall not be organized as a publiccorporation of the state of Missouri.


Clerk of the circuit court of ......... County.

(L. 1961 p. 451 § 3, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)