265.070. Appeal of inspector's decision--reasonable fee.

Appeal of inspector's decision--reasonable fee.

265.070. Whenever any quantity of any agricultural productshall have been inspected hereunder and a question arises as towhether the certificate issued therefor shows the true grade,classification, quality or condition of such product, anyinterested person, subject to such regulations as the directormay prescribe, may appeal the question to him and he isauthorized to cause such investigation to be made and such teststo be applied as he may deem necessary and to determine and issuea finding of the true grade or classification of the product orof the quality or condition thereof. Whenever an appeal shall betaken to the director under this chapter, he shall charge andassess and collect, or cause to be collected, a reasonable fee,to be fixed by him which shall be refunded if the appeal issustained.

(RSMo 1939 § 14295)

Prior revision: 1929 § 12633


Administrative procedure and review, Chap. 536, RSMo