265.300. Definitions.


265.300. The following terms as used in sections 265.300 to 265.470,unless the context otherwise indicates, mean:

(1) "Adulterated", any meat or meat product under one or more of thecircumstances listed in Title XXI, Chapter 12, Section 601 of the UnitedStates Code as now constituted or hereafter amended;

(2) "Capable of use as human food", any carcass, or part or productof a carcass, of any animal unless it is denatured or otherwise identified,as required by regulation prescribed by the director, to deter its use ashuman food, or is naturally inedible by humans;

(3) "Cold storage warehouse", any place for storing meat or meatproducts which contains at any one time over two thousand five hundredpounds of meat or meat products belonging to any one private owner otherthan the owner or operator of the warehouse;

(4) "Commercial plant", any establishment in which livestock orpoultry are slaughtered for transportation or sale as articles of commerceintended for or capable of use for human consumption, or in which meat ormeat products are prepared for transportation or sale as articles ofcommerce, intended for or capable of use for human consumption;

(5) "Director", the director of the department of agriculture of thisstate, or his authorized representative;

(6) "Livestock", cattle, calves, sheep, swine, ratite birds includingbut not limited to ostrich and emu, aquatic products as defined in section277.024, RSMo, llamas, alpaca, buffalo, elk documented as obtained from alegal source and not from the wild, goats, or horses, other equines, orrabbits raised in confinement for human consumption;

(7) "Meat", any edible portion of livestock or poultry carcass orpart thereof;

(8) "Meat product", anything containing meat intended for or capableof use for human consumption, which is derived, in whole or in part, fromlivestock or poultry;

(9) "Misbranded", any meat or meat product under one or more of thecircumstances listed in Title XXI, Chapter 12, Section 601 of the UnitedStates Code as now constituted or hereafter amended;

(10) "Official inspection mark", the symbol prescribed by thedirector stating that an article was inspected and passed or condemned;

(11) "Poultry", any domesticated bird intended for human consumption;

(12) "Prepared", slaughtered, canned, salted, rendered, boned, cutup, or otherwise manufactured or processed;

(13) "Unwholesome":

(a) Processed, prepared, packed or held under unsanitary conditions;

(b) Produced in whole or in part from livestock or poultry which hasdied other than by slaughter.

(L. 1967 p. 371 § 1, A.L. 1971 S.B. 39, A.L. 1993 H.B. 566 merged with S.B. 84, A.L. 1995 S.B. 109, A.L. 2005 S.B. 355)