267.020. Appointment of veterinary surgeon--qualifications--tenure.

Appointment of veterinary surgeon--qualifications--tenure.

267.020. The director of agriculture of the state ofMissouri shall appoint a veterinary surgeon, to aid and assist indeveloping and protecting the livestock interests of the state ofMissouri. Said veterinary surgeon shall be a graduate of somereputable and recognized veterinary college or school, and shallgive to the said director of agriculture, before his appointment,good evidence of a recognized, practical and scientific knowledgeof contagious and infectious diseases of livestock, and shallhold his office for a term of four years, or until removed bysaid director of agriculture for cause, as provided in section267.040.

(RSMo 1939 § 14190)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 12519; 1919 § 12078; 1909 § 707