274.270. Soliciting breach of contract--liability.

Soliciting breach of contract--liability.

274.270. Any person, firm or corporation conducting awarehouse within this state who solicits or persuades or permitsany member of any association organized hereunder to breach hismarketing contract with the association by accepting or receivingsuch member's products for sale or for auction or for display forsale, contrary to the terms of any marketing agreement of whichsaid person or any member of the said firm or any active officeror manager of the said corporation has knowledge or notice, shallbe liable to the association aggrieved in a civil suit in thepenal sum of five hundred dollars for each such offense; and suchassociation shall be entitled to an injunction against suchwarehouseman to prevent further breaches and a multiplicity ofactions thereon. In addition, said warehouseman shall pay to theassociation a reasonable attorney's fee and all costs involved inany such litigation or proceedings at law.

(RSMo 1939 § 14359)

Prior revision: 1929 § 12701