276.020. Associations to operate public market--rights of members.

Associations to operate public market--rights of members.

276.020. Persons, firms and corporations buying, selling orexchanging at such public market shall have the right toassociate themselves together in an association or organization,and such association or organization may make and enforcereasonable rules and regulations for the government of theassociation or organization and for the government of itsmembers, in relation to their buying, selling or exchanging atsuch public market, but it shall be unlawful for any suchassociation or organization, or for any officer or officersthereof, to make any order, rule, regulation or bylaw limitingthe right of any member of the association or organization todistribute, in whatever manner and at whatever times the membermay desire, to the persons composing any partnership in which themember is financially interested or to the shareholders of anycorporation or cooperative association in which such member is ashareholder, the profits of such member to the persons composingsuch partnership or to the shareholders of such corporation orcooperative association, in proportion to the quantity of cattle,hogs or sheep shipped to or from such member by the personscomposing such partnership or the shareholders of suchcorporation or cooperative association, and any such order, rule,regulation or bylaw now or hereafter made, promulgated or adoptedshall be invalid and void.

(RSMo 1939 § 14384)

Prior revision: 1929 § 12726