277.100. Inspection and test to be made by approved persons--request by market operator to dismiss inspecting veterinary, procedure.

Inspection and test to be made by approved persons--request by marketoperator to dismiss inspecting veterinary, procedure.

277.100. 1. The state veterinarian shall require alllicensees defined in this chapter to obtain inspection of alllivestock offered for sale at any livestock sale or market in themanner that he designates.

2. The state veterinarian, or his deputy, may in hisdiscretion order any livestock vaccinated or quarantined or bothif he thinks such action advisable. The authority to requirevaccination given herein shall not be construed to give the stateveterinarian power to issue a general order for the vaccinationof all livestock sold in this state or sold at all livestocksales in this state.

3. Livestock inspections, and all official testing oflivestock for disease, including any method of identifyinganimals in connection with a disease, shall be made by a licensedveterinarian or other person approved by the state veterinarianand whose performance of official tests or inspections shall bein accordance with rules and regulations that may be made by thestate veterinarian not contrary to the provisions of thischapter. The veterinary inspector is subject to dismissal by thestate veterinarian for neglect of duty in the enforcement of theprovisions of this chapter or for misconduct while on officialduty. Any market operator who desires to dismiss from hisposition a veterinarian approved under this section, shall notifythe state veterinarian, who shall review the circumstancessurrounding the proposed dismissal. The state veterinarian shallprovide both the market operator and the market veterinarian anopportunity to appear and be heard. In the event that suchcircumstances cannot be satisfactorily resolved within thirtydays, the state veterinarian shall withdraw approval of themarket veterinarian for that market or sale, unless it shallappear that the predominant reason for dismissal is a refusal bythe market veterinarian to breach a state or federal requirementrelating to the performance of official tests and inspections.

(L. 1943 p. 310 § 10, A.L. 1957 p. 20, A.L. 1989 S.B. 300)

Effective 5-4-89