319.027. Design requests, how made--marking location required.

Design requests, how made--marking location required.

319.027. 1. Any person may make design requests by contacting thenotification center. Such design requests shall include all informationdeemed necessary by the notification center to complete the notice,including the identification of the person and a description of thelocation of the project being designed and other information similar tothat required of excavators under section 319.026.

2. Design requests shall be made to the notification center at leastfive working days, but not more than ten working days, before the date theperson has requested receiving the information from the undergroundfacility owner. Upon receipt of a design request, the notification centershall inform the person of the name of all notification center participantsto whom the notice will be transmitted and shall promptly transmit suchnotice to the appropriate underground facility owners.

3. Every underground facility owner who receives a design requestshall mark the location of the facility, or contact the person making therequest, within five working days after the date the notice was receivedfrom the notification center. If the person making the request wascontacted as an alternative to marking location, the person and theunderground facility owner shall mutually agree on a schedule and methodfor providing the information.

4. No excavation may be commenced based upon information receivedthrough a design request. Obtaining information through a design requestshall not excuse any person commencing an excavation from making notice andobtaining information under sections 319.025 and 319.026 concerning thepossible location of any underground facilities which may be affected.

(L. 2008 H.B. 1779)

Effective 1-01-09