319.078. Definitions.


319.078. As used in sections 319.075 to 319.090, thefollowing terms mean:

(1) "Authorized person":

(a) An employee of a public utility or an employee of acontractor which has been authorized by a public utility toperform construction, operation or maintenance on or near thepoles or structures of such utility;

(b) An employee of a cable television or communicationservices company or an employee of a contractor authorized tomake cable television or communication service attachments; or

(c) An employee of the state or a county or municipalitywhich has authorized circuit construction, operation ormaintenance on or near the poles or structures of a publicutility;

(2) "High voltage", electric potential in excess of sixhundred volts measured between conductors or between a conductorand the ground;

(3) "Overhead lines", all electrical conductors installedabove ground;

(4) "Person", an individual, firm, joint venture,partnership, corporation, association, municipality, orgovernmental unit which performs or contracts to perform anyfunction or activity upon any land, building, highway or otherpremises in proximity to an overhead line;

(5) "Public utility" includes those entities defined assuch in section 386.020, RSMo, as well as municipally ownedelectrical systems and electric cooperatives provided for inchapters 91 and 394, RSMo.

(L. 1991 S.B. 214 & 264 § 2)