332.021. Dental board, members, qualifications, appointment, terms, vacancy, how filled--board may sue and be sued.

Dental board, members, qualifications, appointment, terms, vacancy,how filled--board may sue and be sued.

332.021. 1. "The Missouri Dental Board" shall consist of sevenmembers including five registered and currently licensed dentists, oneregistered and currently licensed dental hygienist with voting authority aslimited in subsection 4 of this section, and one voting public member. Anycurrently valid certificate of registration or currently valid specialist'scertificate issued by the Missouri dental board as constituted pursuant toprior law shall be a valid certificate of registration or a validspecialist's certificate, as the case may be, upon October 13, 1969, andsuch certificates shall be valid so long as the holders thereof comply withthe provisions of this chapter.

2. Any person other than the public member appointed to the board ashereinafter provided shall be a dentist or a dental hygienist who isregistered and currently licensed in Missouri, is a United States citizen,has been a resident of this state for one year immediately preceding his orher appointment, has practiced dentistry or dental hygiene for at leastfive consecutive years immediately preceding his or her appointment, shallhave graduated from an accredited dental school or dental hygiene school,and at the time of his or her appointment or during his or her tenure onthe board has or shall have no connection with or interest in, directly orindirectly, any dental college, dental hygiene school, university, school,department, or other institution of learning wherein dentistry or dentalhygiene is taught, or with any dental laboratory or other businessenterprise directly related to the practice of dentistry or dental hygiene.

3. The governor shall appoint members to the board by and with theadvice and consent of the senate when a vacancy thereon occurs either bythe expiration of a term or otherwise; provided, however, that any boardmember shall serve until his or her successor is appointed and hasqualified. Each appointee, except where appointed to fill an unexpiredterm, shall be appointed for a term of five years. The president of theMissouri Dental Association in office at the time shall, at least ninetydays prior to the expiration of the term of a board member other than thedental hygienist or public member, or as soon as feasible after a vacancyon the board otherwise occurs, submit to the director of the division ofprofessional registration a list of five dentists qualified and willing tofill the vacancy in question, with the request and recommendation that thegovernor appoint one of the five persons so listed, and with the list sosubmitted, the president of the Missouri Dental Association shall includein his or her letter of transmittal a description of the method by whichthe names were chosen by that association.

4. The public member shall be at the time of his or her appointment acitizen of the United States; a resident of this state for a period of oneyear and a registered voter; a person who is not and never was a member ofany profession licensed or regulated pursuant to this chapter or the spouseof such person; and a person who does not have and never has had amaterial, financial interest in either the providing of the professionalservices regulated by this chapter, or an activity or organization directlyrelated to any profession licensed or regulated pursuant to this chapter.All members, including public members, shall be chosen from lists submittedby the director of the division of professional registration. Lists ofdental hygienists submitted to the governor may include names submitted tothe director of the division of professional registration by the presidentof the Missouri Dental Hygienists' Association. The duties of the dentalhygienist member shall not include participation in the determination foror the issuance of a certificate of registration or a license to practiceas a dentist. The duties of the public member shall not include thedetermination of the technical requirements to be met for licensure orwhether any person meets such technical requirements or of the technicalcompetence or technical judgment of a licensee or a candidate forlicensure.

5. The board shall have a seal which shall be in circular form andwhich shall impress the word "SEAL" in the center and around said word thewords "Missouri Dental Board". The seal shall be affixed to suchinstruments as hereinafter provided and to any other instruments as theboard shall direct.

6. The board may sue and be sued as the Missouri dental board, andits members need not be named as parties. Members of the board shall notbe personally liable, either jointly or severally, for any act or actscommitted in the performance of their official duties as board members; norshall any board member be personally liable for any court costs whichaccrue in any action by or against the board.

(L. 1969 S.B. 97, A.L. 1981 S.B. 16, A.L. 1983 S.B. 313, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1573, A.L. 1993 S.B. 27, A.L. 1999 H.B. 343)


Public member, additional duties, RSMo 620.132