338.510. Records to be maintained, form--report of gross receipts, information--confidentiality of information.

Records to be maintained, form--report of gross receipts,information--confidentiality of information.

338.510. 1. Each licensed retail pharmacy shall keep such records asmay be necessary to determine gross retail prescription receipts.

2. The director of revenue may prescribe the form and contents of anyforms or other documents required by this section.

3. Each licensed retail pharmacy shall report the gross retailprescription receipts to the department of revenue.

4. The department of revenue shall provide the department of socialservices with the information that is necessary to implement the provisionsof sections 338.500 to 338.550.

5. The information obtained by the department of social services fromthe department of revenue shall be confidential and any employee of thedepartment of social services who unlawfully discloses any such informationfor any other purpose, except as authorized by law, shall be subject to thepenalties specified in section 32.057, RSMo.

(L. 2002 S.B. 1248)

Effective 6-19-02

Expires 9-30-11