351.855. Ordinary relief.

Ordinary relief.

351.855. If the court finds that one or more of thegrounds for relief described in subsection 1 of section 351.850exist, it may order one or more of the following types ofrelief:

(1) The performance, prohibition, alteration, or settingaside of any action of the corporation or of its shareholders,directors, or officers or of any other party to the proceeding;

(2) The cancellation or alteration of any provision in thecorporation's articles of incorporation or bylaws;

(3) The removal from office of any director or officer;

(4) The appointment of any individual as a director orofficer;

(5) An accounting with respect to any matter in dispute;

(6) The appointment of a custodian to manage the businessand affairs of the corporation;

(7) The appointment of a provisional director, who has allthe rights, powers, and duties of a duly elected director, toserve for the term and under the conditions prescribed by thecourt;

(8) The payment of dividends;

(9) The award of damages to any aggrieved party.

(L. 1990 H.B. 1432)