374.786. Renewal, procedure.

Renewal, procedure.

374.786. 1. Every person licensed pursuant to sections 374.783 to374.789 shall, before the license renewal date, apply to the director forrenewal for the ensuing licensing period. The application shall be made ona form furnished to the applicant and shall state the applicant's fullname, the applicant's business address, the address at which the applicantresides, the date the applicant first received a license, and theapplicant's surety recovery agent identification number, if any.

2. A renewal form shall be mailed to each person licensed in thisstate at the person's last known address. The failure to mail the renewalform or the failure of a person to receive it does not relieve any personof the duty to be licensed and to pay the license fee required nor exemptsuch person from the penalties provided for failure to be licensed.

3. Each applicant for renewal shall accompany such application with arenewal fee to be paid to the department for the licensing period for whichrenewal is sought.

4. The director may refuse to renew any license required pursuant tosections 374.783 to 374.789 for any one or any combination of causes statedin section 374.787. The director shall notify the applicant in writing ofthe reasons for refusal to renew and shall advise the applicant of his orher right to file a complaint with the administrative hearing commission asprovided by chapter 621, RSMo.

(L. 2004 S.B. 1122)

Effective 1-01-05