378.623. Application of law--exemption from insurance laws.

Application of law--exemption from insurance laws.

378.623. Except as herein provided, societies shall begoverned by this chapter and shall be exempt from all otherprovisions of the insurance laws of this state, except chapters374 and 375, RSMo, not only in governmental relations with thisstate, but for every other purpose, and no law hereafter enactedshall apply to them, unless expressly designated therein. Whenany other law is applicable, it shall be construed in accordancewith the fundamental nature of a fraternal benefit society. Inthe event of any conflict between such law and the provisions ofthis chapter, the latter shall prevail. The other law may,however, supplement or explain the provisions of this chapter,and the laws herein made applicable to fraternal benefitsocieties.

(L. 1992 S.B. 831)

Effective 1-1-93