380.511. Company exempt from insurance laws, exception.

Company exempt from insurance laws, exception.

380.511. 1. Any company operating under sections 380.201 to380.591 shall be exempt from all provisions of other insurancelaws of this state except as otherwise specifically designated inthis chapter. No law hereafter passed shall apply to any companyoperating under the provisions of sections 380.201 to 380.591unless such law shall expressly declare that it is applicable tosuch company.

2. Any company operating under the provisions of sections380.201 to 380.591* writing automobile insurance, however, shallbe subject to the provisions of sections 375.445, 375.936 to375.948, 379.110 to 379.120, 379.203, 303.170, 303.180, 303.200and 303.210, RSMo, with respect to said business.

(L. 1984 H.B. 1498)

Effective 1-1-85

*Section number "380.590" appears in original rolls.