381.161. Contract of title insurance through specific agent, agency, or insurer prohibited.

Contract of title insurance through specific agent, agency, or insurerprohibited.

381.161. 1. No producer or other person, except the person payingthe premium for the title insurance, shall require, directly or indirectly,or through any trustee, director, officer, agent, employee, or affiliate,as a condition, agreement, or understanding to selling or furnishing anyother person any loan, or extension thereof, credit, sale, property,contract, lease or service, that such other person shall place any contractof title insurance of any kind through any particular title agent, agency,or title insurer. No title agent, agency, or title insurer shall knowinglyparticipate in any such prohibited plan or transaction. No person shallfix a price charged for such thing or service, or discount from or rebateupon price, on the condition, agreement, or understanding that any titleinsurance is to be obtained through a particular agent, agency, or titleinsurer.

2. A violation of any provision under this section is a level threeviolation under section 374.049, RSMo.

(L. 1987 S.B. 251 § 18, Repealed L. 2000 S.B. 894 § D, L. 2007 S.B. 66)

Effective 1-01-08