386.120. Office of commission, hours--meetings--official seal--equipment, supplies--commissioners to reside where--service upon commission, what constitutes, how made.

Office of commission, hours--meetings--official seal--equipment,supplies--commissioners to reside where--service upon commission,what constitutes, how made.

386.120. 1. The principal office of the commission shall be at thestate capital at the city of Jefferson City. The office required by thissubsection shall be provided and assigned by the board of public buildings.

2. The commission shall at all times, except Saturdays, Sundays andlegal holidays, be open and in session for the transaction of business andthe commissioners shall devote their entire time to the duties of theiroffice.

3. The commission shall have an official seal bearing the followinginscription: "Public Service Commission of the State of Missouri". Theseal shall be affixed to all writs and authentications of copies of recordsand to such other instruments as the commission shall direct. All courtsshall take judicial notice of such seal.

4. The commission may sue and be sued in its official name. Theoffices of said commission shall be supplied with all necessary books,maps, charts, stationery, office furniture, telephone and telegraphconnections, and all other necessary appliances and incidentals, to be paidfor in the same manner as other expenses authorized by this chapter.

5. The offices of the commission shall be open during business hourson all days except Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, and one or moreresponsible persons, designated by the commission or by the secretary,under the direction of the commission, shall be on duty at all times, inimmediate charge thereof.

6. Any summons or other writ issued by any court of this state or ofthe federal government shall be served upon the secretary of the commissionor on any commissioner at the principal office of the commission inJefferson City. Service of any summons or other writ upon the secretary ofthe commission, or upon any single commissioner, shall constitute serviceupon the entire commission.

(RSMo 1939 § 5587, A.L. 1984 H.B. 1477, A.L. 2009 S.B. 376)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 5131; 1919 § 10420