392.070. Consolidation of companies.

Consolidation of companies.

392.070. Any telegraph company now organized, or which mayhereafter be organized, under the laws of this state, may at anyregular meeting of the stockholders thereof, by vote of personsholding a majority of the shares of the stock of such company,unite or consolidate with any other company or companies noworganized, or which may hereafter be organized, under the laws ofthe United States, or of any state or territory, by consent ofthe company with which it may consolidate or unite, and suchconsolidated company so formed may hold, use and enjoy all therights and privileges conferred by the laws of Missouri oncompanies separately organized under the provisions of sections392.010 to 392.170, and be subject to the same liabilities.

(RSMo 1939 § 5336)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 4931; 1919 § 10142; 1909 § 3337