429.603. Definitions.


429.603. As used in sections 429.600 to 429.630, the following termsmean:

(1) "Commercial real estate", any real estate other than real estatecontaining one to four residential units or real estate classified asagricultural and horticultural property for assessment purposes as providedby section 137.016, RSMo. Commercial real estate shall include anyunimproved real estate of any zoning classification, other thanagricultural or horticultural real estate, being purchased for developmentor subdivision. Commercial real estate does not include single-familyresidential units including condominiums, townhouses or homes in asubdivision when such real estate is sold, leased or otherwise conveyed ona unit-by-unit basis even though the units may be part of a larger buildingor parcel of real estate containing more than four residential units;

(2) "Owner", the owner of record of commercial real estate;

(3) "Real estate broker" and "real estate salesperson", as such termsare defined in section 339.010, RSMo;

(4) "State-certified real estate appraiser", an appraiser as definedin section 339.503, RSMo.

(L. 1993 S.B. 18 § 1 subsec. 2, A.L. 2007 S.B. 302)