442.403. Restrictive covenants relating to discrimination invalid--effect--no liability by existence of covenant in document filed by specific date.

Restrictive covenants relating to discrimination invalid--effect--noliability by existence of covenant in document filed by specific date.

442.403. 1. Any restrictive covenant recitals on property,real or personal, found in any deeds, plats, restrictions,covenants, or other conveyances of any type or nature, filed forrecord at any time in the office of the recorder of deeds in anycounty, which relate to the race, color, religion, or nationalorigin of any person, shall be void and unenforceable, and shallbe ignored, as if the same never existed.

2. Any person or legal entity with an interest in realproperty or any agent of such person or entity, shall not incurany liability by reason of the mere existence of a restrictivecovenant described in subsection 1 of this section in anydocument filed for record before May 3, 1948, in any recorder ofdeeds' office.

(L. 1993 H.B. 741)