478.205. Circuit court, continual session--when term required, time commencing.

Circuit court, continual session--when term required, time commencing.

478.205. The circuit court of each county and in the city ofSt. Louis shall be considered as being in continual session, andit shall not be necessary for a term or special term of any suchcourt to be convened or held for such court or the judges thereofto conduct the business of the court with respect to any case ormatter before the court. To the extent that a term of a circuitcourt may be required or specified by any provision of law, termsof each circuit court of the state shall be considered ascommencing on the second Mondays in February, May, August andNovember of each year; provided, however, that no court by reasonof this section shall be required to hold court on the first dayof any such term and provided further that each circuit court forconvenience may provide by local court rule for a differentnumber of terms per year and for terms to commence on differentdates.

(L. 1959 S.B. 96, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)

Effective 1-2-79