509.520. Court pleadings, attachments, and exhibits, redaction of Social Security and credit card numbers--confidential case file sheet, contents.

Court pleadings, attachments, and exhibits, redaction of SocialSecurity and credit card numbers--confidential case file sheet,contents.

509.520. 1. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary,beginning August 28, 2009, pleadings, attachments, or exhibits filed withthe court in any case, as well as any judgments issued by the court, shallnot include:

(1) The full Social Security number of any party or any child who isthe subject to an order of custody or support;

(2) The full credit card number or other financial account number ofany party.

2. Contemporaneously with the filing of every petition fordissolution of marriage, legal separation, motion for modification, actionto establish paternity, and petition or motion for support or custody of aminor child, the filing party shall file a confidential case filing sheetwith the court which shall not be subject to public inspection and whichprovides:

(1) The name and address of the current employer and the SocialSecurity number of the petitioner or movant, if a person;

(2) If known to the petitioner or movant, the name and address of thecurrent employer and the Social Security number of the respondent; and

(3) The names, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers of anychildren subject to the action.

3. Contemporaneously with the filing of every responsive pleadingpetition for dissolution of marriage, legal separation, motion formodification, action to establish paternity, and petition or motion forsupport or custody of a minor child, the responding party shall file aconfidential case filing sheet with the court which shall not be subject topublic inspection and which provides:

(1) The name and address of the current employer and the SocialSecurity number of the responding party, if a person;

(2) If known to the responding party, the name and address of thecurrent employer and the Social Security number of the petitioner ormovant; and

(3) The names, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers of anychildren subject to the action.

4. The full Social Security number of any party or child subject toan order of custody or support shall be retained by the court on theconfidential case filing sheet or other confidential record maintained inconjunction with the administration of the case. The full credit cardnumber or other financial account number of any party may be retained bythe court on a confidential record if it is necessary to maintain thenumber in conjunction with the administration of the case.

5. Any document described in subsection 1 of this section shall, inlieu of the full number, include only the last four digits of any suchnumber.

6. Except as provided in section 452.430, RSMo, the clerk shall notbe required to redact any document described in subsection 1 of thissection issued or filed before August 28, 2009, prior to releasing thedocument to the public.

7. For good cause shown, the court may release information containedon the confidential case filing sheet; except that, any state agency actingunder authority of chapter 454, RSMo, shall have access to informationcontained herein without court order in carrying out their official duty.

(L. 2009 H.B. 481)