537.270. Insufficient fence on railroad--stock killed--damages.

Insufficient fence on railroad--stock killed--damages.

537.270. Whenever any livestock shall go in upon anyrailroad or its right-of-way, in this state, and the saidrailroad is not at such place or places enclosed by a good fence,on both sides of said railroad, such as is by law required, orwhere said railroad has failed to construct and maintain a goodand sufficient cattle guard, or opening gate, such as is by lawrequired, and such stock by being frightened or run by anypassing locomotive, motor car, or other vehicle, or train on saidrailroad, shall be injured or killed by or because of having runagainst the fence on either side, or into any culvert, bridge,slough or mire, or other object along the line of said road, therailroad company shall pay the owner of any such stock so injuredor killed the amount of the damages sustained.

(RSMo 1939 § 5219)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 4762; 1919 § 9949; 1909 § 3146


Railroad liable for double damages for killing stock until fences are built, RSMo 389.650