542.140. Affray in presence of associate circuit judge.

Affray in presence of associate circuit judge.

542.140. Every person who, in the presence of any associatecircuit judge above specified, or of any court of record, shallmake an affray, or threaten to kill or beat another, or to commitany offense against his person or property, and all persons who,in the presence of such court or associate circuit judge, shallcontend with hot and angry words, may be ordered by suchassociate circuit judge or court, without any other proof ortrial, to give such security as above specified, and in case offailure or refusal so to do, he may be committed in like manneras above specified.

(RSMo 1939 § 3797)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 3407; 1919 § 3752; 1909 § 4960