578.210. Entering, attempt to enter, defacing without permission, prohibited.

Entering, attempt to enter, defacing without permission, prohibited.

578.210. 1. A person, without the prior written permissionof the owner or if a corporation is the owner, of an officer ofthe corporation, lessee, or if the cavern is located on publicland, the superintendent thereof shall not willfully or knowinglybreak, break off, crack, carve upon, write or otherwise markupon, or in any manner destroy, mutilate, injure, deface, remove,displace, mar or harm the surfaces of any cave or any naturalmaterial therein including, without limitation, stalactites,stalagmites, helictites, anthodites, gypsum flowers, or needles,cave pearls, flowstone, draperies, rimstone, spathites, columnsor similar crystalline mineral formation, including the host rockthereof.

2. A person shall not, without the permission required insubsection 1 of this section, break, force, tamper with, removeor otherwise disturb a lock, gate, door or other structuredesigned to prevent entrance to a cave or cavern. A personviolates this subsection whether or not entrance to the cave orcavern is achieved.

(L. 1980 H.B. 1192 § 3)

Effective 1-1-81


Caves open to public, requirements, RSMo 293.620