630.910. Suicide prevention advisory committee created, members, terms, meetings, duties.

Suicide prevention advisory committee created, members, terms,meetings, duties.

630.910. 1. There is hereby created within the department of mentalhealth the "Suicide Prevention Advisory Committee" to be comprised of thefollowing eighteen members:

(1) Six representatives from each of the following state departments:mental health, health and senior services, social services, elementary andsecondary education, corrections, and higher education;

(2) Ten citizen members representing suicide survivors, the criminaljustice system, the business community, clergy, schools, youth, mental healthprofessionals, health care providers, nonprofit organizations, and aresearcher to be appointed by the governor;

(3) One member from the house of representatives to be appointed by thespeaker of the house of representatives; and

(4) One member of the senate to be appointed by the president pro tem ofthe senate.

2. The initial appointments to the advisory committee shall be made byOctober 1, 2005. The initial ten members appointed under subdivision (2) ofsubsection 1 of this section shall be appointed as follows: four membersshall be appointed for a four-year term, three members shall be appointed fora three-year term, and three members shall be appointed for a two-year term.

3. The first meeting of the advisory committee shall be scheduled by thedirector of the department of mental health and held on or before December 1,2005. The committee shall meet at least quarterly thereafter. The directorof the department of mental health, or the director's designee, shall be thechair of the advisory committee. Each of the departments listed insubdivision (1) of subsection 1 of this section shall provide staff andtechnical support for the advisory committee.

4. The advisory committee shall:

(1) Provide oversight, technical support, and outcome promotion forprevention activities;

(2) Develop annual goals and objectives for ongoing suicide preventionefforts;

(3) Make information on prevention and mental health intervention modelsavailable to community groups implementing suicide prevention programs;

(4) Promote the use of outcome methods that will allow comparison andevaluation of the efficacy, effectiveness, cultural competence, andcost-effectiveness of plan-supported interventions, including making specificrecording and monitoring instruments available for plan-supported projects;

(5) Review and recommend changes to existing or proposed statutes,rules, and policies to prevent suicides; and

(6) Coordinate and issue a biannual report on suicide and suicidalbehaviors in the state using information drawn from federal, state, and localsources.

5. Members of the committee shall serve without compensation but the tencitizen members may be reimbursed for any actual expenses incurred in theperformance of their duties as members of the advisory committee.

(L. 2005 H.B. 462 & 463)