701.450. Equal number of water closets, diaper changing stations, requirements--extension of time for compliance, requirements (St. Louis City).

Equal number of water closets, diaper changing stations,requirements--extension of time for compliance, requirements (St.Louis City).

701.450. 1. For any facility for which construction commences afterAugust 28, 1995, which is constructed as a place of assembly for publicamusement including, but not limited to, sports stadiums and arenas,auditoriums and assembly halls, there shall be provided an equal number ofwater closets for women as there are the number of water closets andurinals provided for men, and there shall be provided an equal number ofdiaper changing stations for men as there are the number provided forwomen.

2. Each facility described in subsection 1 of this sectionconstructed or under construction prior to August 28, 1995, shall providewater closets in the same ratio as required in subsection 1 of this sectionwhenever such facility undergoes major structural renovation.

3. As used in subsection 2 of this section, the term "majorstructural renovation" means any reconstruction, rehabilitation, additionor other improvement which required more than fifty percent of the grossfloor area of the existing facility to be rebuilt. The provisions of thisact shall only apply to such portions of the building being renovated andnot to the entire building.

4. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to thecontrary, if any facility described in subsection 1 of this section locatedin any city not within a county is constructed in compliance with therequirements of the applicable building and plumbing codes of such cityrelated to the minimum number of water closets that are designated forwomen, such facility shall not be required to comply with the requirementsof subsection 1 of this section until one year following the date of itssubstantial completion.

(L. 1995 S.B. 96 § 1, A.L. 2006 H.B. 1149)