125.320 - Cause for annulment: Lack of consent of parent or guardian.

125.320  Cause for annulment: Lack of consent of parent or guardian.

      1.  When the consent of the father, mother, guardian or district court, as required by NRS 122.020 or 122.025, has not been obtained, the marriage is void from the time its nullity is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction.

      2.  If the consent required by NRS 122.020 or 122.025 is not first obtained, the marriage contracted without the consent of the father, mother, guardian or district court may be annulled upon application by or on behalf of the person who fails to obtain such consent, unless such person after reaching the age of 18 years freely cohabits for any time with the other party to the marriage as husband and wife. Any such annulment proceedings must be brought within 1 year after such person reaches the age of 18 years.

      [Part 2:33:1861; A 1867, 88; 1891, 15; 1947, 445; 1943 NCL § 4051] + [Part 19:33:1861; A 1947, 445; 1943 NCL § 4067] + [Part 20:33:1861; A 1947, 445; 1943 NCL § 4068]—(NRS A 1973, 1578; 1975, 1818; 1977, 275)