218D.800 - Delivery to Secretary of State of enrolled joint resolution proposing constitutional amendment; return to next session; placement on ballot after second passage; notations in history of res

218D.800  Delivery to Secretary of State of enrolled joint resolution proposing constitutional amendment; return to next session; placement on ballot after second passage; notations in history of resolution; publication in Statutes of Nevada.

      1.  An enrolled joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nevada must be delivered with the official engrossed copy thereof to the Secretary of State or such deputy or clerk as the Secretary of State designates in writing.

      2.  The Secretary of State shall cause the enrolled resolution and the engrossed copy thereof to be filed in the Secretary of State’s office, and shall deliver them to the presiding officer of the House in which the proposed amendment originated at the next ensuing session of the Legislature. The enrolled resolution accompanied by the engrossed copy thereof must thereupon be laid before the House for action, and if approved by a majority of the members elected thereto, must again be deposited with and filed by the Secretary of State so that it may be placed upon the ballot at the next ensuing general election.

      3.  The history of the joint resolution containing a notation that it has been returned to the House of its origin by the Secretary of State must be noted on the engrossed copy of the resolution, and must likewise appear upon the enrolled copy thereof. The enrolled copy must bear the original signatures of the presiding officers and Secretary and Clerk of the respective Houses for both sessions of the Legislature at which the proposed amendment to the Constitution was considered.

      4.  The Secretary of State shall cause all proposed amendments to the Constitution to be published in the printed volume of the statutes for each year when they have been considered by the Legislature.

      [Part 11:3:1949; A 1955, 732] + [12:3:1949; 1943 NCL § 7298.12]—(NRS A 1989, 24; 1993, 1034; 1999, 2197)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 218.390)