243.470 - Sufficiency of petition; proposition to be submitted to voters; limitation on withdrawing names from petition.

243.470  Sufficiency of petition; proposition to be submitted to voters; limitation on withdrawing names from petition.

      1.  At the time specified in the notice, the board of county commissioners shall meet and inquire into and determine the sufficiency of the petition and the validity of the signatures thereto, and if sufficient and signed by the required number, the board shall make an order directing that the proposition to remove the county seat to the place named in the petition be submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county at the next primary or general election.

      2.  No names may be withdrawn from the petition after the petition has been filed with the clerk of the board of county commissioners except in cases of actual fraud in the procuring of signatures to the petition.

      [3:69:1955]—(NRS A 1993, 1034)