244.230 - Authorized debts and liabilities only to be created.

244.230  Authorized debts and liabilities only to be created.  The board of county commissioners shall not for any purpose contract debts or liabilities, except those expressly authorized by law. Whenever debts or liabilities have been created, which, added to the salaries of county officers and other estimated liabilities, fixed by law for the remainder of the year, shall equal the money on hand in the treasury at the time applicable to the payment of such salaries and other fixed liabilities, no allowance shall be made of any account, nor shall any expense be incurred other than salaries and fees and fixed liabilities, expressly authorized by law, during the remainder of the year.

      [16:80:1865; A 1893, 120; C § 2119; RL § 1516; NCL § 1949]