266.300 - Franchises for certain public purposes.

266.300  Franchises for certain public purposes.

      1.  The city council shall have the power:

      (a) To grant franchises to persons or corporations to lay, maintain and operate in, upon, along, through or across any street, alley, avenue or any part or parts thereof of the city or other public places therein, railroad tracks and connecting and terminal tracks.

      (b) To contract with, authorize or grant any person, company or association a franchise to construct, maintain and operate gas, electric or other lighting works in the city, and to give such person, company or association the privilege of furnishing light for the public buildings, streets, sidewalks and alleys of the city.

      2.  The city council shall grant no franchise for a longer period of time than 50 years, and no franchise for any purpose shall be granted within any city incorporated under the provisions of this chapter except as herein provided. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to impair any franchises granted in any city prior to its incorporation hereunder.

      [Part 28:125:1907; RL § 794; NCL § 1128]