289.590 - Training in proper use of choke hold as condition of certification; annual training and recertification; regulations.

289.590  Training in proper use of choke hold as condition of certification; annual training and recertification; regulations.

      1.  As a condition of the certification of a peace officer employed by an agency that authorizes the use of a choke hold in the course of the peace officer’s duties, the Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission shall require the peace officer to be trained in the proper use of the choke hold. In addition, the Commission shall require annual training and recertification in the proper use of the choke hold if the agency employing the peace officer continues to authorize the official use of the choke hold.

      2.  The Commission shall adopt regulations regarding the minimum training and testing required to comply with the requirements of subsection 1 and the manner in which each such agency shall demonstrate its continuing compliance with the requirements of subsection 1.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 2424)