391.045 - Directory of licensed personnel to be filed with clerk of board of trustees.

391.045  Directory of licensed personnel to be filed with clerk of board of trustees.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall file with the clerk of the board of trustees of each local school district a directory of all teachers and other educational personnel, including, without limitation, teachers and educational personnel employed by a charter school pursuant to NRS 386.590 and 386.595, who are entitled to draw salaries from the county school district fund, and shall advise the clerk from time to time of any changes or additions to the directory.

      (Added to NRS by 1979, 1600; A 1987, 998; 1997, 1871)

      NRS 391.051  License is revocable privilege.  The purpose of licensing teachers and other educational personnel is to protect the general welfare of the people of this state. Any license issued by the Superintendent of Public Instruction is a revocable privilege and no holder of such a license acquires thereby any vested right.

      (Added to NRS by 1987, 996)