12:4-16 - Approaching, passing and opening drawbridges;  injuries to; penalties

12:4-16.  Approaching, passing and opening drawbridges;  injuries to; penalties
    Any person who shall:

    a.  Having command of a vessel, come within ten rods of a drawbridge without  first lowering his sails so as to prevent the vessel from coming against the  bridge until it is opened so that the vessel can pass through without doing any  damage to the bridge;  or

    b.  Having command of a vessel, make fast to or lay a vessel alongside of a  drawbridge or of any wing thereof or in the draw thereof, for the purpose of  loading or unloading, or for any purpose whatever except of passing through the  same;  or

    c.  Open a draw and keep it open more than fifteen minutes, when not absolutely necessary for a passage of a vessel through the same;  or

    d.  Cut, remove or destroy any timber, planks, posts, piles or stonework belonging to or a part of a drawbridge, or otherwise willfully damage or do any  act which may have a tendency to injure the bridge or draw--

    Shall be liable to a penalty of not less than twenty dollars nor more than fifty dollars, besides all damages that may be done to the bridge.