12:6-1 - General powers and duties

12:6-1.  General powers and duties
    The board of commerce and navigation shall:

    a.  Investigate and report annually to the governor the routes of the existing inland waterways of this state, the depth of water therein and the use  thereof by traffic of business or pleasure, and the advisability and possibility of increasing the use thereof by extension or improvement, together  with the reasons therefor;

    b.  Recommend by said report, after such survey as may be rendered possible  by appropriation for such purpose, the construction of such additional inland  waterways as are best calculated to promote the interests of the people of this  state, either by deepening natural streams or channels or the construction of  artificial channels, or both;

    c.  Make or have made such surveys as may be authorized;

     d.  Maintain, improve and repair the existing inland waterways and construct  and maintain such additional waterways as may be authorized and constructed;   and

    e.  Make and enforce proper rules and regulations for the use of the inland  waterways.