15:5-1 - Revaluation and remeasurement of meadow and marsh lands as basis of  future assessments;  commissioners

15:5-1.  Revaluation and remeasurement of meadow and marsh lands as basis of  future assessments;  commissioners    Except as otherwise provided by law, at any annual meeting of a company which exists under any act of the legislature of this state to enable the owners and possessors of meadow and marsh lands to erect and maintain banks, dams, sluices and waterways sufficient to prevent the tide from overflowing the  same, but not oftener than once in five years, the owners and possessors of  said lands may proceed to elect by ballot three judicious and disinterested  freeholders as commissioners.  At the election each owner of such lands shall  have one vote for each five valued acres of such lands held by him, but no such  owner shall be deprived of having at least one vote thereat.

    The commissioners, or a majority of them, after a notification of their election by the managers of the company, or a majority of them, shall view the premises and cause each owner's and possessor's share to be exhibited on a correct plot or map, to be made either from previous measurements or a new survey, setting forth the number of acres held by each owner, and also making a  new valuation of the same, having regard to the quantity, quality and location.   Their map, report and valuation, under their hands, or under the hands of a  majority of them, shall be given to the managers of the company, shall remain  in their possession during their continuance in office, and at the expiration  of that term shall be delivered to their successors.  They shall also be  entered in the clerk's book and received as evidence of each owner's quantity  of acres and of the value at which each lot is rated, and all future  assessments shall be made in proportion thereto, unless changed thereafter as  herein above provided.  The duties of the commissioners shall be performed  within four months of the time of the notice of their election, and their  compensation shall be such as may be determined upon by vote at the annual  meeting electing them.  Notice of an intention to take proceedings at an annual  meeting under this section shall be given to the owners and possessors of  meadow and marsh lands to be affected thereby.