16:15-1 - Incorporation

16:15-1.  Incorporation
    Any Roman Catholic church or congregation in this state may incorporate in the following manner:

    The Roman Catholic bishop of the diocese in which the church or congregation  is located, the vicar-general of the diocese, or, during a vacancy in such  offices, the administrator of the diocese for the time being, and the pastor of  the church or congregation for the time being, or a majority of them, may elect  two lay members of the church or congregation, and may with such laymen, sign a  certificate setting forth the name by which they and their successors shall be  known and distinguished as a corporation. They shall transmit the certificate  to the clerk of the county in which the church or congregation is located, who shall forthwith file and record the same, for which service he shall be entitled to receive the fee provided in section 22:2-19 of the title Fees and  Costs.  Thereupon the church or congregation shall be a corporation by such  name or title.