18A:65-3 - "The state university"  or  "the university"  defined and described

18A:65-3.   "The state university"  or  "the university"  defined and described    The term  "the state university"  or  "the university,"  as used in this chapter, shall, unless the context clearly indicates to the contrary, include and mean the educational entity conducted by the corporation, heretofore designated  "the state university of New Jersey,"  as now and hereafter constituted, including all departments, colleges, schools, centers, branches, educational and other units and extensions thereof, including the state college  for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts, the agricultural  experiment station, the New Jersey agricultural experiment station managed and  directed by the board of managers, Douglass college, the Paterson college, the  graduate school of social work, the school of ceramics, the departments of  higher education, formerly maintained by the university of Newark, including  the college of arts and sciences, the school of business administration and the  school of law, and those, formerly maintained by the college of South Jersey,  including the junior college and the school of law, and all other departments  of higher education maintained by the corporation.
L.1967, c.271