19:31A-9 - Erroneous record

19:31A-9.  Erroneous record    When any legal voter shall apply to the district board in the district in which he resides and shall find that his name upon the signature comparison record is marked as having voted, the district board shall not permit such persons to vote.  Application may be made by the registrant to the commissioner  and upon due proof to the commissioner or his duly authorized clerk that such  registered voter has not voted in such election the commissioner shall issue a  certificate directed to the district board authorizing the district board to  permit such person to vote.

    The commissioner shall immediately following such election cause the members  of the district board in such district to appear before him and unless such  district board can explain to the satisfaction of the commissioner why such  registrant's form was marked as voted the commissioner shall advise the county  board that such district board or any member thereof has failed in the  performance of its duty and the member or members of such board who have so  failed in their duty shall be ineligible for appointment as members of any  district board thereafter.

     L.1944, c. 230, p. 786, s. 3.