32:18-17 - When compact to become effective;  proviso as to Connecticut

32:18-17.  When compact to become effective;  proviso as to Connecticut

     1.  This compact shall become effective as to the state of New Jersey and the state of New York immediately upon the signing thereof by the representatives of such states, and thereafter it shall also become effective as to the state of Connecticut immediately upon the signing thereof by the representatives of such state;  provided, however, that prior to the signing of  this compact by the representatives of the state of Connecticut the district as  set forth in article II shall not embrace any territory within the jurisdiction  of the state of Connecticut, nor shall the commission exercise any jurisdiction  or perform any duties or acts affecting such territory;  and the appropriations  for salaries, office and other administrative expenses shall be borne equally  by the state of New York and the state of New Jersey.

     L.1935, c. 321, s. 1, pp. 1041 to 1052.