39:3-6.15 - Preservation of operational records 

39:3-6.15.     Preservation of operational records 
    25. a.  A registrant whose application for apportioned registration has been accepted shall preserve its operational records for a period of three years after the close of the registration year.  Such records shall be made available to the Division of Motor Vehicles or its designee upon request for an audit as to the accuracy of computation, payments and assessments for deficiencies or allowances for credit during the normal business hours of the day. 

   b.   If a registrant fails to make records available to the Division of Motor Vehicles or its designee upon proper request or if a registrant fails to maintain operational records from which true liability can be determined, the Director of the Division of Motor Vehicles has the discretion to: 

   (1)  suspend, revoke or cancel the registration.


   (2)  assess liability based upon the director's estimate of the actual miles traveled by the registrant in each jurisdiction; and 

   (3)  take whatever action is reasonably necessary to advance the purposes of the International Registration Plan. 

   c.   At the option of the carrier, on-board recording devices that are pre-approved by the director may be used in lieu of, or in addition to, handwritten trip reports for apportioned registration record keeping purposes.
