39:3-68 - Brake performance

39:3-68.     Brake performance
    Every motor vehicle or combination of motor vehicles, according to its type,  shall be capable at all times and under all conditions of loading, of stopping  on a dry, smooth, level pavement of approximately .6 co-efficient of friction  and free from loose material, upon application of the service (foot) brake,  within the distances specified below, or shall be capable of decelerating at a sustained rate corresponding to these distances:

                                                 Approximate deceleration

                               Feet to stop from      in feet per second

                             twenty miles per hour        per second


Vehicles or combination

     of vehicles having

     brakes on all

     wheels .....                      30                     14


Vehicles or combinations

     of vehicles not having

     brakes on all wheels .....        45                     9.5


   The stopping ability, or decelerating capacity, of a motor vehicle or combination of motor vehicles shall be determined by an approved instrument or an approved machine capable of being read in feet to stop from a speed of twenty miles per hour, deceleration in feet per second per second or other equivalent units.

   Agricultural machinery and implements, road machinery, road rollers, traction engines and farm tractors when used upon any highway shall have means adequate to control the movement of and to stop and to hold such machines on any up or down grade upon which they may be operated.

   No person shall hereafter drive, move or be in custody of any motor vehicle  or combination of motor vehicles unless such vehicle or combination is capable  of being controlled, stopped and held as provided for herein.