4:10-62 - Deposit for expenses upon application for marketing program; refund;  assessment of producers and processors;  budget

4:10-62.  Deposit for expenses upon application for marketing program; refund;  assessment of producers and processors;  budget
    The secretary may require persons applying for a marketing program to deposit with him in advance such amount as he deems necessary to defray the expenses connected with the formulation and issuance of the program and shall reimburse these persons when sufficient funds are available from assessments after the program is in effect.  In the event a program is not issued, the secretary shall refund only that portion remaining after the payment of expenses incurred in connection with the proposed program on a pro rata basis.

    For the purpose of providing funds to defray the necessary expenses incurred  by the secretary in the formulation, issuance, administration and enforcement  of each marketing program, the marketing program shall provide for the levying  and collection of assessments in sufficient amounts to defray such expenses.   The marketing program shall indicate the maximum assessment rate.  The  advisory council shall recommend to the secretary, from time to time, budgets  to cover necessary expenses and the assessment rate necessary to provide  sufficient funds.  If the secretary finds that the budget and assessment rate  are proper and equitable and will provide sufficient money to defray expenses,  he may approve the budget and rate of assessment and order that each producer  or processor so assessed shall pay to him, at such times and in such  installments as he may prescribe, an assessment based upon the units in which  such agricultural commodity is marketed, or upon any other uniform and  equitable basis.  Assessment rates for producers directly affected shall not  exceed 5% of the gross dollar value of sales by affected producers during the  marketing season.

     L.1971, c. 308, s. 20, eff. Sept. 2, 1971.