4:13-34 - Annual audit and report;  disclosure forbidden - New Jersey Statutes - USA Laws Searching

4:13-34 - Annual audit and report;  disclosure forbidden

4:13-34.  Annual audit and report;  disclosure forbidden
    An association shall appoint, annually, an auditing committee of 3 persons,  who shall not be directors, officers, agents or employees of the association  but who may or may not be members thereof;  or have a certified public  accountant conduct such audit.

    At the close of each fiscal year a complete audit of the operations of the association shall be made, a written report of which shall include a general statement of its business operations, the balance sheet, the operating statement, the total number of members thereof, and other proper information, and shall be submitted to the members or delegates at the next regular meeting or meetings.

    No person shall, without consent of the association, except in obedience to  judicial process, make or permit any disclosure whereby any information contained in the report may be identified as having been furnished by the association.

     Amended by L.1966, c. 286, s. 31.