44:1-154 - Hospitalization and other relief where treatment is urgent

44:1-154.  Hospitalization and other relief where treatment is urgent    In all cases wherein medical or surgical treatment is urgent a person may be  removed and admitted to a public or private hospital in the municipality in  which he is found, and the director or those having charge of the hospital shall within a reasonable time ascertain from the sick person his name and place of residence, and if it shall appear that he is a poor person within the meaning of this chapter, a notice in writing shall immediately be sent to the overseer of the poor of the municipality from which the poor person was removed  or where he resided prior to his removal. Upon receipt of the notice the  overseer shall proceed and provide for the relief of the sick indigent person  in the manner provided in this chapter, and the expense thereof shall be borne  by the municipality in which he has gained a settlement.