45:15-10.9 - Director of public adult education program 

45:15-10.9.      Director of public adult education program 
    52.  No public adult education program conducted under the auspices of a board of education in this State and no accredited college or university in this State shall be licensed as a real estate school unless its real estate pre-licensure education program is under the supervision of a director who is a licensed real estate instructor or an individual who has affirmatively demonstrated to the commission his good moral character and has attended a real estate instructor course approved by the commission within two years of applying to the commission for approval as the director of the real estate program.  In the event of the death or physical or mental incapacity of the director of a public adult education program or the director of a college or university licensed as a real estate school, which leaves no other employee licensed as a real estate instructor or otherwise qualified to be the director of the program and willing to assume the responsibilities of the director on an interim or permanent basis, the commission may issue a temporary authorization to another person to enable that person to carry on the duties of the director until such time as either another licensed instructor or qualified person is designated by the school and approved by the commission as the director, or until such time as the real estate courses in progress at the time of the former director's death or incapacity are completed.  New courses shall not be commenced by the school until a qualified person is designated and approved as the director of the school. 
