46:18-11.6 - Conditions under which discharge of mortgage may be executed

46:18-11.6  Conditions under which discharge of mortgage may be executed.

2. a. A person which is entitled to receive payment of a mortgage duly recorded or registered in this State pursuant to a written agreement, whether or not recorded, entered into with the holder or owner of the mortgage may execute a discharge, satisfaction-piece, release, subordination or postponement on behalf of the holder or owner thereof, which instrument shall be accepted for recording by the county clerk or register of deeds and mortgages, so long as:

(1)it meets the requirements of section 2 of P.L.1991, c.308 (C.46:15-1.1); and

(2)it contains the following wording in the body thereof: "_____________ is authorized to execute this instrument pursuant to the terms of a written agreement dated ______, between _______________, as owner or holder of the mortgage, and __________________, as servicer thereof."

b.A person which is the owner or holder of a mortgage duly recorded or registered in this State for which a prior assignment thereof is unrecorded, may execute a discharge, satisfaction-piece, release, subordination or postponement thereof, which instrument shall be accepted for recording by the  county clerk or register of deeds and mortgages, so long as:

(1)it meets the requirements of section 2 of P.L.1991, c.308 (C.46:15-1.1); and

(2)it contains wording in the body of the instrument setting forth the particulars concerning all assignments of the mortgage, whether or not recorded.

c.Upon payment of the appropriate fees therefor, the county clerk or register of deeds and mortgages shall cause a marginal notation to be made upon the record of a mortgage which is specifically described in an instrument submitted in accordance with subsection a. or b. of  this section.
