46:30B-69 - Sale of abandoned property

46:30B-69.   Sale of abandoned property
     46:30B-69.  Sale of abandoned property.  Except as provided in R.S.46:30B-70 and R.S.46:30B-71, the administrator shall, within three years after the receipt of abandoned property, sell it to the highest bidder at public sale in whatever municipality in the state affords in the judgment of the administrator the most favorable market for the property involved.  The administrator may decline the highest bid and reoffer the property for sale if in the judgment of the administrator the bid is insufficient.  If in the judgment of the administrator the probable cost of sale exceeds the value of the property, it need not be offered for sale.  Except as provided in R.S.46:30B-72.1, any sale held under this section shall be preceded by a single publication of notice, at least three weeks in advance of sale, in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the property is to be sold. Source: New.

    L.1989, c.58, s.1.