52:28-21 - Maps to furnish authentic records of boundary line

52:28-21.    Maps to furnish authentic records of boundary line
    Fourth.  The maps accompanying and filed with this agreement, showing the location of the above-described boundary line between the state of New York and  the state of New Jersey in Raritan bay to the main sea, and the monumental  marks by which it is marked and to be marked, duly authenticated and attested  by the signatures of the said commissioners, and placed on file in the offices  of the secretaries of state of the respective states, shall constitute the  permanent and authentic records of said boundary line, and are hereby adopted  by the parties thereto and made a part of this agreement.

   In witness whereof, the said commissioners have hereto set their hands and seals in duplicate, this twelfth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven.

                                        M. W. Hazeltine, [L.S.]

                                          Robert Moore, [L.S.]

                                          G. C. Hanus, Lieut., U.S.N., [L.S.]

                                          George H. Cook, [L.S.]

                                          Robert C. Bacot, [L.S.]

                                          A. B. Stoney. [L.S.]


    Certified to--

   Edward P. Boyle, Secretary of Joint Commission.

   L.1888, c. 55, Agreement, p. 87 (C.S. p. 5367, s. 28).